Professional Office Support - online admin solutions
Professional Office Support


I would heartily recommend Julia Braithwaite to anyone who is looking for a Virtual Assistant. She promotes high standards and effective communication and is known for her integrity and her commitment to those with whom she has worked.  Professional Office Support – the name speaks for itself!

Dominic Keogh, Managing Director, Vantium Group

VA Mastery Graduate


An accredited member of the UK Association of Virtual Assistants. The one-stop shop information resource for virtual assistants
and their clients.

For an obligation free quote
or consultation please email
Julia Braithwaite or call to
discuss your specific requirements.

020 8544 1503


About Professional Office Support

Professional Office Support was established by Julia Braithwaite who, with over twenty years of business managerial experience to senior board director level, understands the challenges of running and growing a business and is able to provide high quality administrative support to professional people and small businesses.

In recent years Julia has worked as an Office Manager, Department Administrator and Executive Assistant for several large international companies including Warner Bros. Entertainment UK, Capital One Bank and the Virgin Group. Prior to this Julia had an extensive and successful career in the mail distribution industry, focusing primarily on developing services to meet the future requirements of key customers.

Julia obtained an honours degree in modern languages and worked and studied abroad in order to become fluent in French and German.

Professional Office Support promotes high service standards, effective communication and solid relationships with customers and suppliers.

Julia Braithwaite The experience on which Professional Office Support has been built comes from many areas of business management including Sales and Customer Service, Marketing, HR and Recruitment, Corporate Law, Facilities Management, Financial and Strategic Business Planning.

How does Professional Office Support operate?

We support our clients in a confidential and cost effective manner, using the internet and the latest communication and collaboration technologies. We offer a range of technology options, tailoring our services to each client’s preferred way of working.

By linking your office to ours, your “virtual” office provides all the benefits of a physical office. We establish clear lines of communication so that when you are on the road your office will always be 'open'.

We do not have any employment rights over our clients or their companies. We work from our own premises using our own equipment. Clients pay only for the time they use, either by the hour or to a pre-agreed retainer package.

Professional Office Support also works within a network of online or “virtual” Executive Assistants. If we are unavailable due to sickness or holiday, we have other professionals on whom we can call so that our clients are never without support.